Writing With Multimedia
Dr. Richard E. Miller is a professor in the Department of English at Rutgers University. Professor Miller is the author of As if Learning Mattered: Reforming Higher Education (1998) and Writing at the End of the World (2005). His published articles concern developing a philosophy of consciousness that promotes trans-formative teaching and writing practices. He has delivered over one hundred invited talks across the country and abroad on a range of topics related to literacy, technology, and higher education. His current research concerns "the end of privacy" and how education is being changed as a result of the proliferation of hand-held devices that enable instant publication and global distribution of anything that can be seen or heard. He now publishes exclusively on his website, text2cloud.
Dr. Miller's video
This Is How We Dream talks about how we are moving away from a solely print based society. We are moving away from pencils, papers, and libraries to our desktop. He talks and shows how accessible information is on the web. He talks about the permanency of text, images and film that will be available forever vs paper documents. With added sound and music it is composed from information on the web and put together to make a suitable document. He talks about how he put together a complete article just with information from the web. We are no longer limited to our libraries for information. We can simply turn on our computers. We can collaborate with other people on the web to gather and share information. In
This is How We Dream Part 2 he talks about how Johnathan Harris is composing using the web it self. He uses an aggregating bot to search the web for information. That part of the movie was completely over my head. did not really understand, or comprehend what exactly he was doing.
I believe that I could write with multi-media. I still do not know exactly how to verify if the information I am pulling from the web is accurate and true. We need a class just so I can learn how to verify that my sources of information are viable. I think that is the most important thing to know when it comes to web based learning. It will be one of the, if not the most important skill I can learn and teach my students.
Carly Pugh
Carly Pugh is a former student from EDM310. In her blog post number twelve she shows what I would consider to be part of her PLN. I guess it also qualifies as writing using multi-media. She has created a playlist on YouTube. Her videos focus on things she wants to teach her students. This includes respect for exceptional people, and being an individual.She made her own video, but she also includes other inspirational videos promoting thinking outside the box. She poses some difficult questions, that I believe I would have a hard time answering. 1). describe the kind of teacher you would like to be
2).show ways you can motivate your students
3). offer tips on classroom management.
4). offer tutorials on programs you have learned about in this class that you like so much you would like to use (podcast, iPods, PLN's, etc.)
5). are on topics related to your field of study; for example, if you are going to be an English Teacher, include videos about Shakespeare, poetry, novels, things of that nature.
6). describe what a good teacher is and what a bad teacher is
7). ways to improve modern education as we know it
8). have been used in other blog posts from this semester. It could be a video you had to write about or one posted on the blog of a fellow classmate, teacher, or classroom's blog.
9). center around creativity.
10). advocate challenging, motivating, encouraging, and supporting students (but still maintaining professionalism)
Some of these I believe we will only learn by experience. Am I really supposed to know the answers to all of these questions now? If so, I have to wonder if I should be going into the teaching field. I believe you only become highly skilled at something once you are actually doing it, which should sound really familiar, since that is what this class is based off of.
EDM 310 is Different
Chipper Series is a video put together to help EDM 310 students to take the class seriously and do the work on time and to the best of their ability. It shows that no matter what, whether it be a class, or an occupation, we have to give it our best.
EDM310 is Different is a document of guidelines for this class. It pretty much covers what the Chipper Series talks about. It also talks about the importance of being a professional, being a life long learner, using correct spelling and grammar, and being technologically literate. It also stresses having a positive attitude, organizing your time wisely, and asking questions when necessary. It is unfortunate we had this post to do for our blog this week, because mine is late. :( As for videos I can't really think of anything specific. I know, very creative on my part. I can say that I am game for participating in videos. It would be great to be involved in something that would help future students excel in this class.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
video is more promotion for online learning vs. burp back education.It is a plea for a change to be made in the way that we think as a society when it comes to learning. Because of the technological advances we have made in the world, we need to change the way we are educating our children. I believe that this makes sense, but not everyone is going to move at the same pace to make these changes. I think it will eventually happen everywhere, because it is happening in some areas. It's more than a little intimidating to think of the changes that are coming and the adjustments that will need to be made. Especially for older people like myself, who are still learning. It will be so much easier for newly graduated seniors who are planning to be teachers. The exposure they are getting (maybe not in the classroom) just from cell phones, iPads, iPods, and other sources are going to put them in a much better position then someone like myself. Children learn things much more easily then someone like myself who is busting at the seams with other responsibilities, like kids and a husband. Despite what I may be learning in college, I know I will be learning from my students too.