Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blog Post #2

Did You Know? 3.0 - A John Strange 2012 Version

As I have said in my previous post, I am a substitute teacher. When I start my day I always hope, I am not going to have a run-in with a student regarding any sort of electronic paraphernalia. I am pretty lenient when it comes to the students use of these items, as long as they are respectful with their use of them. I was beginning to wonder how I was going to handle this, once I stepped into my first class as a "real live teacher". After watching Did You Know? 3.0 - A John Strange 2012 Version, on YouTube, I am beginning to question why we are trying to remove these items from the classroom.

This video helped me to see what a benefit these tiny computers could have within the classroom. It makes complete sense that we are going to have to embrace these gadgets and utilize them for the students benefit. John Strange's video opened my eyes to some surprising numbers when it comes to the use of different technologies. I am a cell phone user, but I do not even own a smartphone. It has not been that long since I started texting. His statistics show that the United States is falling behind, when it comes to educating our children. Things like texting , YouTube, Google Searches, and personal computers in the home, are on the rise. The message I received from this video, is that we are, and should incorporate these things as learning tools within the classroom. Gone are the days of dusty chalkboards, and boring lectures. It is going to take some pretty special people to get their classes attention and hold on to it in this day and age.

Mr. Winkle Wakes by Mathew Needleman

This YouTube movie's character Mr. Winkle wakes up after sleeping for a hundred years, only to find a new and changed world. Sound familiar? Technology is everywhere. He visits an office, hospital, and a school. During his visit to the office he is confronted by computers, printers, fax machines, and the use of Skype as a business tool. Uncomfortable, and sickened by it all, he visits a hospital hoping they can help him feel like his old self. There he sees machines and lasers at work helping the sick and keeping people alive. Finally he finds the comfort of a school. It is a teaching environment without the use of technology. There, he finds peace as he realizes that school has not changed in the last one hundred years.

This video shows how businesses, and even hospitals are on board when it comes to the use of technology. It shows that schools are slow to change. In my previous post, I came to the realization that these technological devices are not going away. They are in our face daily. They are here to stay. How are we going to train our children for the future, and the best jobs, without the use of technology in the classroom?

Heather Heiskell's little girl wearing Sombrero

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson who coined the phrase,"If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original",presents the idea that schools kill the creativity of children. During his presentation he cracks plenty of jokes which are really funny. As funny as he is, all of his stories have a point. The heart of his talk is focused on the plight of our children. They are born with such creativity and without the fear of being wrong. The institution of school, and I believe, life itself squashes children's creativity by making them conform to the standards that society has deemed normal. This in turn leads to the fear of being wrong. He ends his presentation with a story that brought tears to my eyes.
Sir Ken Robinson touched my heart with the words he spoke in his video. My son was diagnosed with ADHD. He will be nineteen in a few months. It was a long struggle to see him graduate high school. I really wish that schools could focus more on what a student is good at vs. what they deem needed to survive in today's society. Sir Ken Robinson makes me fear not only for my own babies, that will be starting school eventually, but for every child who might not fit within the mold that they are expected to.


I had a Pinterest account prior to EDM310 coming into my life. It is wonderful, and I have to say I am slightly addicted. I have mainly used Pinterest for home project ideas, recipes, music, and people that I like. I have to say I would use all four of the ideas presented for the classroom. (Lesson Plans, Sharing Ideas, Organization, and Student Use) I will be the first person in my immediate family to have a college degree. Unfortunately, I do not have a mentor, that is also a teacher. So I feel as if I am floundering helplessly sometimes. I am looking for anything that will give me ideas about what to do with my students to keep them engaged in learning within my classroom. The idea of having students use Pinterest for group projects, and using it to get parents involved is wonderful. I will be teaching high school, or possibly middle school. It seems like a lot of teaching tools are geared towards elementary students. I must admit I followed all twenty of the suggestions on the link. It looks like there are plenty of boards and pins that could be used for high school students too.
I looked at several of the boards and pins that I decided to follow. The crafts look like so much fun. It has me questioning why I am becoming a high school teacher.


  1. Your blog was an interesting read. I really agree with your statement that technology should be infused in the classroom. Our environment is surrounded and engulfed in technology. I feel as though our schools really need to keep up with the times and get on the bandwagon with everyone else. GO GREEN! :)

    I also agree that Sir Ken was a comedian. However, I disagreed with him on the point of education kills creativity. I went to high school from 2006-2009 and all my teachers encouraged creativity. I guess it all depends on the teacher and how creative he/she is.

    Pinterest is a great tool for anyone. As I said in my post, I had a friend to decorate her entire apartment using ideas from Pinterest. I loved it so I asked her for the website invite and now I am using it to decorate my house. Now as far as education goes, I am teaching Special Education so my kids would probably use it to keep up with daily routines and also websites on up to date information about different disorders.

    Well I really enjoyed reading your blog and keep up the great work!!

  2. "I am beginning to question why we are trying to remove these items from the classroom." Good. We need to use them as learning tools. Many schools are now implementing BYOD (bring your own device). We will never confiscate them (and shouldn't).

    Thorough. Thoughtful. Interesting.
